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The CRUK Oxford Centre is pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Tim Elliott as its new co-Director.

Professor Tim Elliot smiling © CRUK

Tim will work alongside Professor Mark Middleton who has filled the role since 2017, to develop and deliver the research strategy for the Oxford Centre.

Professor Tim Elliott is taking over from Professor Xin Lu, who is stepping down after over 3 successful years in the post. During her tenure, Xin has led a step change in the coordination and integration of research efforts across the city. Under Xin’s leadership, a collaborative network of early cancer detection researchers across Oxford has been established and supported through the formation of the Oxford Centre for Early Cancer Detection (OxCODE). As well as providing a forum to stimulate and catalyse research in this critically important research field, significant programmatic funding has been obtained, including for liver (DeLIVER – Prof. Ellie Barnes) and lung (DART – Prof. Fergus Gleeson) cancers, along with numerous seed and project external funding awards in early detection. Xin will continue to play a major role in directing and supporting the CRUK Oxford Centre strategy in her continuing positions as OxCODE Director, NIHR Oxford BRC Cancer Theme Co-Lead and Director of the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Oxford Branch.

Read the full article on the Cancer Research UK website

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