Equality Themes
Here you can find general equality resources, as well as resources on specific characteristics on the left hand menu. If you have any resources you think would be useful to include please let us know.
University links and resources
Inclusive workplace guide
The University's Equality and Diversity Unit (EDU) quick guide to creating an inclusive workplace.
(SoGE, University of Oxford, 2019)
A practical guide to making conferences and events more inclusive – not only in terms of the diversity of speakers, but also the ways in which participants are welcomed, respected and involved.
External links and resources
Document(s) on these external pages may or may not be accessible.
Creating an Inclusive environment (A-HE)
Understand the common issues in further and higher education to design inclusive support services, develop accessible campus environments and make everyone feel welcome at your institution. This includes guidance on inclusive campuses, and guides on providing support for staff and students with different protected characteristics.
Supervising PGRs from Diverse Backgrounds (University of Nottingham, 2020)
A guide produced by the University of Nottingham Researcher Academy to support supervisors who are supervising PGRs from diverse backgrounds.
UKRI Bullying and Harassment Evidence Review (UK Research and Innovation, 2019)
Evidence review commissioned as part of UK Research and Innovation’s (UKRI’s) comprehensive long-term equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) strategy to inform the organisation’s approach to bullying and harassment in the research and innovation (R&I) sector. The report focuses on higher education institutions but draws on wider research literature on bullying and harassment in the workplace.
Reimagining research culture (Wellcome Trust)
Wellcome Trust want to help build a better research culture – one that is creative, inclusive and honest. Current practices prioritise outputs at almost any cost. This is damaging people’s wellbeing and undermining the quality of research. We can all help to reimagine how research is conducted.
Wellcome Trust report: What Researchers think of the culture they work in
Thousands of researchers have taken part in the largest ever survey into experiences of research culture. The results show it's time for change – everyone in the research community can help to reimagine research.
Café Culture discussions
Café Culture is an opportunity from Wellcome Trust for you and your colleagues to talk about the challenges you face in research culture, reflect on what a better culture would look like, and propose solutions for how Wellcome and other parts of the system could change.
Reimagine Research Culture Festival
The Wellcome Trust online festival in March 2021 brought together the research community to explore how to build a more positive and inclusive research culture. Catch up with the highlights and learn about new approaches, what's already working, and how you can take on change in your organisation.
Realising Our Potential: Backing Talent and Strengthening UK Research Culture and Environment
Realising Our Potential examines the current UK academic research culture and environment, including the system drivers and incentives which can create challenges and unintended consequences for researchers. The report is based on conversations and interviews with almost 100 representatives from universities (including researchers at all career stages), funders and publishers.
Realising Our Potential - Full Report, case studies and environmental toolkit
NIHR Diversity and Inclusion strategy 2021
In 2021, the NIHR published its mission to improve the health and wealth of the nation through research, Best Research for Best Health: The Next Chapter. This report outlined our commitment to embedding equality, diversity and inclusion in everything we do.
We know we still have a long way to go. That’s why we are developing our new equality, diversity and inclusion strategy, to build upon what we have already accomplished and help us achieve even more. The strategy will set out our aims and objectives, help to guide our decision making and prioritisation and, crucially, help us to create change that relates to the whole of NIHR - our research, culture and systems.