Lee Placito Medical Fund: Research Fellowship in gastro-intestinal disease, including gastrointestinal cancer
The Lee Placito Medical Fund exists to further research into gastrointestinal disease, and primary and secondary gastrointestinal cancer.
Applications are now invited for a clinical or non-clinical research fellowship from within the University to undertake research in one of these areas. Grant requests are limited to a maximum of £110,000 pa over a 3 year period.
Applications should include:
- A short cover letter
- CV (two pages max.)
- A research proposal including: summary, background, aims, methods, ethical status, experimental plan, timetable and justification for sums requested. Eight pages maximum excluding references. Minimum font size 11 pt
- A single-paragraph lay summary
- A letter of support from the PI who is sponsoring the application
- A letter from the Departmental Administrator confirming that facilities are available to undertake the proposed research
These should be sent by email as a single pdf document to Professor Clive Wilson, Professor of Cell and Developmental Genetics, Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics.
Closing date for receipt of applications is Thursday 15 June 2023.