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How to Apply

Applicants should complete an online application through IRAMS, which requests information about the principal applicant and any co-applicants, a lay summary (non-confidential – please see resources available on TRO website for writing a succinct and impactful lay summary), a financial breakdown of your proposal (X5 report must be appended) and a Case for Support Form uploaded to the IRAMS application system. You MUST incorporate all requested components of the Case for Support into ONE document (see below) and upload this in the template provided on IRAMS as a PDF.

Please note that applications must be reviewed and approved in IRAMS by a Departmental Approver before they will be reviewed by the Committee; the advertised application deadline is the deadline for final submission to the Reviewing Committee. Departments may set an earlier internal deadline to allow for departmental review, so please check with your local admin team and submit your application to your Departmental Approver in advance of the advertised deadline.

If you require an accessible version of any of the documents relating to this funding call, please contact

A Case for Support Application Form (four pages max.) and CVs (one page max. for each PI & CoI) for all applicants named in the application must be appended to the IRAMS application form in addition to a comprehensive Gantt chart (one page max.). 

The Case for Support must include:

  • A 250-word abstract of the proposal requesting FA Alliance Catalyst Fund funding
  • Project objectives and proposed outcomes, including information about proposed development, milestones, and potential next steps following completion of the project and plans for commercialisation and clinical impact
  • A timeline for your project, aligning with milestones to demonstrate that these are realistic both in terms of the objectives set and the time necessary to achieve them; identification of ‘critical path’
  • A justification for support explaining how your proposal is aligned with the remit and objectives of the FA Alliance Catalyst Fund
  • Details of any industrial engagement in your project and plans to advance this; applicants with any relevant associations to University of Oxford spinouts must disclose all relevant information to the TRO in their Case for Support for governance review with appropriate conflict management in place
  • Intellectual property (IP) status: Are third parties involved and how will IP be managed with respect to these collaborators?
  • A description of any matched funding secured (not a requirement to apply)

Applicants are strongly advised to use the ‘Guidance for Applicants’ document on ‘What are the panel looking for?’ hints under each section of the Case for Support Form when completing your application.


The FA Alliance Catalyst Fund will open for applications on Friday 24th January 2025.

The deadline for submission of FA Alliance Catalyst Fund applications via IRAMS is Wednesday 26th February 2025.

The panel meeting is anticipated to be held soon after the deadline [TBD]. Applicants will be notified by email of the outcome. Work must commence within one month of the award letter or otherwise agreed with the TRO.



Applications to the FA Alliance Catalyst Fund will be reviewed by a sub-committee of the TRO’s Medical and Life Sciences Translational Fund (MLSTF), chaired by Dr Nessa Carey and co-chaired by Professor Helen McShane. You can view the full list of committee members here. Please note the Committee membership comprises both internal academic and external commercial experts to ensure robust, rigorous review in line with funder recommendations.

Reviewers will follow the guidelines similar to the MLSTF scheme reviewing process. The details of how applications will be reviewed and scored is available here by scrolling down to the Reviewing Guidelines section. Please take time to familiarise yourself with these criteria and tailor your application accordingly.



All potential applicants are encouraged to discuss their proposals with the TRO ( If applicants wish to discuss the science of their proposal or applicability of an approach to FA, please contact Geoff Denwood at

The TRO can also assist with finding suitable collaborators and sourcing appropriate support and expertise through the Experts in Residence network.

Applicants are also encouraged to discuss their proposal with Oxford University Innovation (OUI) well in advance of submission. OUI will be able to advise and support on the industry engagement and IP strategy of the proposal. If you do not have an OUI contact, please contact the TRO who will be able to assist you.

For any further information regarding this Fund please contact: