Medical Sciences Internal Fund: Clinical pre-fellowship
* Please note this is scheme is currently closed to new applications *
This scheme is on hiatus while MSD reviews how we can best support early career clinical academics.
The clinical pre-fellowship scheme accepts applications from the supervising line manager for short-term (up to three months) funding to cover the salary costs of clinicians who will shortly begin an externally funded research training fellowship or DPhil at Oxford.
The Medical Sciences Internal Fund funds can be used to support salary costs during the intervening time between the clinician’s current salary support and the start of a research training fellowship or DPhil.
* Please note this is scheme is currently closed to new applications *
This scheme is on hiatus while MSD reviews how we can best support early career clinical academics.
Clinical pre-fellowship applications should be made by the supervising line manager via the Medical Sciences Internal Fund: Pump-Priming award in Internal Research Award Management System (IRAMS).
Applications should usually be submitted to the MSIF Pump Priming Trinity Term deadline in April/May for a clinician coming out of programme in August to start their DPhil in October. For applications submitted outside of this deadline, please notify the Research Funding Team ( that an application has been submitted. Application outcomes are expected to be returned within six weeks of submission.
Guidance on using IRAMS in the form of quick reference guide (QRG) documents for applicants, departmental approvers and administrators can be found on Research Support pages.
Note that some departments may set an earlier internal deadline for approval so please check with your local admin team and prepare your application well in advance of the date advertised above. Applications must be reviewed online by departmental approvers and, where approved, submitted to the Committee for review before the deadline.
Please complete the application form including a two-page (max.) summary of the research proposed and strategic need under the headings in the case-for-support template provided. Uploaded documents should be submitted as a single PDF.
Applications, scores and reviewer comments may be shared with other internal University panels to ensure maximum value for money.
* Please note this is scheme is currently closed to new applications *
This scheme is on hiatus while MSD reviews how we can best support early career clinical academics.
Clinical pre-fellowship applications should be made by the supervising line manager via the Medical Sciences Internal Fund: Pump-Priming award application in IRAMS.
Applications should usually be made in the spring (MSIF Pump Priming Trinity Term deadline in April/May) for a clinician coming out of programme in August to start their DPhil in October.
For Clinical pre-fellowship applications made outside of the MSIF Pump Priming Trinity Term deadline, please notify the Research Funding Team ( that an application has been submitted. Application outcomes are expected to be returned within six weeks of submission.
* Please note this is scheme is currently closed to new applications *
This scheme is on hiatus while MSD reviews how we can best support early career clinical academics.
For all enquiries please email