Oxford-Elysium Prize Fellowship in Cellular Health
This prestigious fellowship invites application from outstanding early career scientists and clinicians aiming to conduct research at Oxford University in the field of Cellular Health.
This prestigious fellowship invites applications from outstanding early career scientists and clinicians aiming to conduct research at Oxford University in the field of Cellular Health. The award includes 3 year’s salary as well as generous consumables and travel budget. It also includes a £10,000 prize to be used towards the fellow’s professional development.
Projects will be university-led and fellows will be expected to publish in high quality scientific journals and to present their work at national and international scientific conferences.
In order to apply, prospective applicants will need to identify a research group at the University of Oxford that will support their application, co-develop their research proposal and host them for the duration of the fellowship. The programme will be open to candidates around the world working in all areas relevant to cellular health with a particular emphasis on the following areas:
Biomarkers of aging, with emphasis on epigenetics, cellular senescence, neurodegeneration, the microbiome, circadian rhythms and autophagy. Data–driven approaches to monitoring ageing–related changes and interventions
Ambitious, innovative and interdisciplinary projects are strongly encouraged. In particular, projects that have a strong translational emphasis or potential are encouraged.
This scheme also offers fellows a number of additional opportunities. Firstly, the fellows will be assigned a mentor from Elysium Health's Scientific Advisory Board. During their fellowship they will also have the opportunity to travel to New York were they will receive training in aspects of commercial healthcare (e.g. marketing, product design, financing, production and sales).
Elysium Health’s mission is to solve the biggest challenges in health with science, to help people live healthier, longer lives. Working directly with the world’s leading scientists and clinicians, Elysium HealthTM translates advances in science and technology into effective, scientifically-sound products that help people manage their health in an actionable way. Find out more.
Postdoctoral Fellows:
- A PhD / DPhil in a relevant medical/biological subject (viva and corrections to have been completed before the start of the fellowship)
- No more than 5 years postdoc experience at the time of application.
Clinical Research Fellows:
- GMC registered Medical Practitioner
- Have prior research experience (typically a BSc), a medical degree and some specialist experience, typically having obtained MRCP or equivalent, but not CCT or consultant status
Prospective applicants will identify a research group at the University of Oxford that will support their application, co-develop their research proposal and host them for the duration of the fellowship. The programme will be open to candidates around the world working in all areas relevant to biomedical science with a particular emphasis on the following disease areas:
Biomarkers of aging, with emphasis on epigenetics, cellular senescence, neurodegeneration, the microbiome, circadian rhythms and autophagy. Data–driven approaches to monitoring ageing–related changes and interventions
Please submit your application online via the Internal Research Award Management System (IRAMS). Your application should include the following documents - please note that all of these documents must be combined into a single PDF.
Application checklist
1) Completed application cover sheet
2) Curriculum Vitae (2 pages of A4 max)
3) Letters of support from host laboratory and department
4) Completed project proposal (2 pages of A4 max)
The 2019 call for Fellowship Applications has now closed.
The programme is run by the Divisional Business Partnerships Office. If you are interested in submitting a project for consideration, or have any questions about the programme, please contact the team at elysiumfellowship@medsci.ox.ac.uk for more details.
DR HANLIN ZHANGPostdoctoral Researcher, Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology (NDORMS) |
Dr Adam RoltPostdoctoral Researcher, Department of Biochemistry