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Renewed 2012-13 projects:

  • 'OxChemBioDB: University-wide Chemical Biology data and reagent sharing platform' Alastair Buchan, Brian Marsden, Chris Schofield. Funding to establish a web-based solution to publicise and share results in target discovery research, the first of its kind in the UK, which will work to reduce duplication and wastage in the drug discovery process. (MSD/MPLS)
  • 'Initiating the Africa-Oxford Health Systems Collaboration (OHSCAR)' Mike English, Kevin Marsh, Sasha Shepperd, Catherine Molyneux.  Funds to develop and support health care systems research in Africa, in collaboration with the Wellcome-supported Kenya Major Overseas Programme, and to promote links with health economics, health care evalulation and services, and public health efforts in Africa. (MSD)
  • 'Practical Ethics and Neuroscience of Altruism' Julian Savulescu, Guy Kahane, Nadira Faulmueller. Funds to create a research programme in practical ethics and moral neuroscience, to explore the ethical implications of advances in neuroscience which are aimed at changing behaviour, and to establish the ethical, social and legal limits of this work. (HUM)
  • 'Contribution to start up package for a new senior clinical academic in Diabetes' Hugh Watkins, Stephen Gough. Funds for a new post to be established in OCDEM, to bridge the translational gap between the basic science programmes and clinical research in diabetes in Oxford and to strengthen UK and international links. (MSD)

 Funded projects for 2013-14:

  • 'A bioinformatics platform for life science orientated mass spectrometry' Benedikt Kessler, Oreste Acuto, Peter J. Ratcliffe, Carol Robinson, Benjamin Thomas. Funds to continue support for bioinformatics in proteomics and MS across three departments. (MSD/MPLS)
  • 'Protein production facilities for Wellcome related research' Chris Schofield. Funding to update protein production facilities in the Department of Chemistry, which will benefit several groups and be made available to the wider University. (MPLS)
  • 'Establishment of an Oxford Biodesign programme' Alison Noble, Stephen MacMahon, John Bell, Lionel Tarassenko, Kazem Rahimi. Support to create a post-doctoral programme in healthcare innovation, to train clinicians alongside engineering and business research fellows. (MPLS/MSD)
  • 'Therapeutic conflicts: co-producing meaning in mental health' Edward Harcourt, Anita Avramides, KWM Fulford, Matthew Broome. Support for a research project to investigate the production of meaning in psychiatric contexts, and to explore the impact of shared meaning on the relationship between healthcare providers and mental health service users. (HUM/MSD)
  • 'Shamanic healing in South Asia' Sondra Hausner. Funding to develop a model of shamanic healing practices in South Asia, with an aim to understand their effectiveness in physical and cultural contexts. (HUM)
  • 'Single cell biology in Oxford' Doug Higgs, Kay Davies. Support for the continued development of the Single Cell Facility in the Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, through the recruitment of a dedicated facility manager and experienced researcher. (MSD)
  • 'Containment level 3 super-resolution STED imaging of live virus host-cell interactions' Christian Eggeling, Lucy Dorrell. Funds to develop containment level 3 facilities in the Wolfson Imaging Centre, which will be used to address a range of virus-host cell interactions, including flu and HIV. (MSD)
  • 'Quantitative imaging of organoid cell cultures' Jens Rittscher. Funding to support development of computational tools necessary to analyse 3D cell culture models quantitatively, including studies of cell differentiation and migration. (MPLS/MSD)
  • 'Staff and infrastructure support for biological electron microscopy in Oxford' Jordan Raff, Errin Johnson. Support for increased staffing and infrastructure improvements to the University EM Facility in the Dunn School of Pathology. (MSD)
  • 'Imaging informatics infrastructure for dementia' Clare Mackay, Steve Smith, Mike Denis. Support to create a platform of imaging data in neurodegenerative diseases, toward a large-scale project to improve clinical research and practice in neurodegeneration. (MSD)
  • 'You're never alone... immune bacterial interactions in the gut' Fiona Powrie. Funds to participate in the July 2014 Royal Society Summer Exhibition ( (MSD)
  • 'Public Engagement: strengthening support for developing researchers and facilitating engagement via Oxford Sparks'Alastair Buchan, Alex Halliday. Support for ongoing Oxford Sparks activities, including additional animations and resources for engagement. (MPLS/MSD)
  • 'Reinvigorating ancient DNA research in Oxford' A. Mark Pollard, Andrew Wilson, Chris Gosden. Funds to refurbish and reopen the Henry Wellcome Ancient Biomolecules Centre, in advance of a new principal investigator in ancient DNA starting in autumn 2014. (SSD)
  • 'Neural and behavioural assays of moral learning and decision making' Molly Crockett. Support to investigate the psychology and neurobiology of human morality, including decision-making and our understanding of others' morality and inclinations. (MSD)
  • 'Start-up funding for establishing a cavefish and zebrafish facility for heart regeneration research' Mathilda Mommersteeg. Funds to establish a cavefish research facility in the South Parks Road area, to study heart tissue regeneration following myocardial infarction. (MSD)
  • 'Deciphering neural crest gene regulatory circuitry in the lamprey' Dorit Hockman, Tatjana Sauka-Spengler. Support to study neural crest development and the programming of NC cells in the embryo, to determine the causes of defects and to assess the potential of therapeutic use. (MSD)
  • 'Support for an early career researcher developing a collaborative programme in adolescent HIV infection in Harare, Zimbabwe' Sarah Rowland-Jones, Tariro Makadzange. Early support toward establishment of a new overseas unit in Harare, specialising in HIV infection in adolescent survivors of vertical virus transmission. (MSD)