The Wellcome Institutional Strategic Support Fund is now closed to applications. The last round of applications funded from the current block grant from Wellcome was in Michaelmas Term 2020 (deadline 14 October 2020). Future rounds will be dependent on the receipt of further funding from Wellcome.
Oxford's Wellcome ISSF block grant will end on 31 March 2023; all projects must end and be fully spent by this date. No extensions beyond 31 March 2023 will be permitted.
Historically the Individual Career Support and Interdepartmental Strategic Initiatives schemes were open to small award applications (up to £10K) once per term. The Individual Career Support and Interdepartmental Strategic Initiatives schemes were open to main award applications (greater than £10K) in Michaelmas and Trinity terms only.
The Trinity Term 2020 round of the ISSF (deadline 29 April 2020) was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, allowing redeployment of staff to other critical functions and a reconsideration of the University's research priorities.