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Garden Quad, St John's College, 20th October 2015


Peter Jezzard, Ian Dobbie, Matthew Robson, Niki Sibson and Damian Tyler

Scientific Programme

08:50-09:20: Registration and poster set up

09:20-09:30: Welcome and Introduction

09.30-10.45: Platform Session 1: Births: Imaging of Embryos and Development (Chair: Veronica Buckle)

09.30-09.45: Shankar Srinivas (DPAG) – Imaging embryogenesis with light microscopy

09.50-10.05: Juergen Schneider (RDM) – Pre-clinical embryo imaging in mice

10.10-10.25: Paul Riley (DPAG) – Imaging cardiovascular development in zebrafish and mouse embryos

10.30-10:45: Rebeccah Slater (Paediatrics) – Functional imaging of pain in babies

10.45-11.45: Poster Session 1 + Tea/Coffee: Odd numbered posters presented, and opportunity to network

11.45-12.45: Annual Guest Lecture: Joerg Bewersdorf, Yale University, USA: "Developments in super-resolution microscopy" (introduced by Christian Eggeling)

12.45-13.45: Buffet Lunch

13:45-15:00: Platform Session 2: Marriages: Combining Techniques and Modalities (Chair: Bart Cornelissen)

13.45-14.00: Ricarda Menke (FMRIB) – Linking the MRI signal with underlying histology

14.05-14.20: Jason Davis (Chemistry) – Cross-modal imaging agents

14.25-14.40: Jens Rittscher (Oncology) – Combining endoscopy and pathology

14.45-15.00: Errin Johnson (Dunn School of Pathology) – Linking correlative super-resolution methods with electron microscopy

15.00-16.00: Poster Session 2 + Tea/Coffee: Even numbered posters presented, and opportunity to network

16.00-17.00: Platform Session 3: Deaths: Waking the Dead with Imaging (Chair: Damian Tyler)

16.00-16.15: Rainer Kaufmann (STRUBI) – Bringing cryo-imobilized samples to life with super-resolution cryo-microscopy

16.20-16.35: Ian Roberts (Churchill Radiology) – Post-mortem imaging: new life for the autopsy

16.40-16.55: Samantha Giles (Earth Sciences) – X-ray imaging meets palaeontology

17:00: Close


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Hamamatsu logo Photometrics logo Siemens Medical logo Zeiss logo
Royal Microscopial Society logo GE Healthcare logo Leica logo Laser 2000 logo


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GlaxoSmithKline logo BioStatus logo Nexcelom logo Elliot Scientific logo


bronze sponsors

Isis Innovation logo Mirada logo

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