2014 Imaging Festival
Garden Quad, St John's College, 23rd October 2014
Peter Jezzard, Ian Dobbie, Matthew Robson, Niki Sibson and Damian Tyler
scientific programme
08:50-09:20: Registration and poster set up
09:20-09:30: Welcome and Introduction
09.30-10.45: Platform Session 1: Commercial Exploitation of Imaging Science (Chair: Mike Partridge)
09.30-09.50: Mike Brady (Oncology) – Breast density and its clinical application
09.50-10.10: Tony Wilson (Eng Science) – Optimized optically sectioning microscopes
10.10-10.30: Rajarshi Banerjee (Perspectum and RDM) – Non-invasive liver biopsies
10.30-10:45: Evert Geurtsen (ISIS Innovation) – Practicalities of commercial exploitation, and discussion
10.45-11.45: Poster Session 1 + Tea/Coffee: Odd numbered posters presented, and opportunity to network
11.45-12.45: Annual Guest Lecture: Han Wen, NHLBI, National Institutes of Health, USA: "X-ray phase-based biomedical imaging" (introduced by Peter Jezzard)
12.45-13.45: Buffet Lunch
13:45-15:00: Platform Session 2: New Imaging Probes (Chair: Jordan Raff)
13.45-14.05: Eleanor Stride (IBME) – Diagnostic and therapeutic use of ultrasound micro-bubble agents
14.05-14.25: Stephen Faulkner (Chemistry) – Use of metal complexes as imaging and contrast agents
14.25-14.45: Nicola Sibson (Oncology) – Targeting inflammation to detect tumour spread by molecular MRI
14.45-15.00: Proffered Talk: Xiaojun (Peggy) Xu (Oncology) – Xenon hyperpolarized imaging of the lung: initial experiences
15.00-16.00: Poster Session 2 + Tea/Coffee: Even numbered posters presented, and opportunity to network
16.00-17.00: Platform Session 3: Mathematical Modelling of Imaging Data (Chair: Mark Woolrich)
16.00-16.20: Helen Byrne (Maths) – Modelling tumour growth
16.20-16.40: Vicente Grau (IBME) – Title TBD
16.40-17.00: Stam Sotiropoulos (FMRIB) – Fusing 7 Tesla and 3 Tesla diffusion MRI for assessing brain connectivity
17:00: Close
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