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Garden Quad, St John's College, 29th October 2013


Peter Jezzard, Ian Dobbie, Matthew Robson, Niki Sibson and Damian Tyler

Scientific Programme

08:50-09:20: Registration and poster set up

09:20-09:30: Welcome and Introduction

09.30-10.45: Platform Session 1: New Techniques and Technologies (Chair: Boris Vojnovic)

09.30-09.50: Gil Bub (DPAG) – High spatial and temporal resolution imaging of cells

09.50-10.10: Michael Chappell (IBME) – Modeling and applications of chemical exchange saturation transfer contrast

10.10-10.30: Stephen Taylor (WIMM) – Fast classification of images

10.30-10:45: Proffered Talk: Davide Volpi (Oncology) – Fluorescence image-guided surgery

10.45-11.45: Poster Session 1 + Tea/Coffee: Odd numbered posters presented, and opportunity to network

11.45-12.45: Annual Guest Lecture: Joerg Wrachtrup, University of Stuttgart, Germany: "Magnetic resonance imaging at the nanoscale" (introduced by Karla Miller)

12.45-13.45: Buffet Lunch

13:45-15:00: Platform Session 2: Imaging at Harwell (Chair: Ilan Davis)

13.45-14.00: David Stuart (STRUBI and Harwell) – Overview of Oxford-Harwell interactions

14.00-14.20: Maria Harkiolaki (Diamond) – Cryo x-ray tomography at Diamond

14.20-14.40: David Clarke or Marisa Martin-Fernandez (STFC) – Single molecule imaging

14.40-15.00: Jeremy Sanderson (MRC Harwell) – Mouse imaging

15.00-16.00: Poster Session 2 + Tea/Coffee: Even numbered posters presented, and opportunity to network

16.00-17.00: Platform Session 3: Understanding Disease Processes (Chair: Keith Channon)

16.00-16.20: Jana Koth (WIMM) – Imaging cardiac repair in zebra fish

16.20-16.40: Bart Cornelissen (Oncology) – SPECT imaging of DNA damage

16.40-17.00: Karla Miller (FMRIB) – Linking tissue microstructure to macroscopic image contrast

17:00: Close


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