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Garden Quad, St John's College, 13th October 2011


Peter Jezzard, Ian Dobbie, Niki Sibson and Damian Tyler

Scientific Programme

08:50-09:15: Registration and poster set up

09:15-09:25: Welcome and Introduction

09:25-09:30: ISIS Opportunities for Oxford Imaging Scientists (Martin Proctor)

09:30-10:45: Platform Session 1: Dynamic and/or In-Vivo Imaging (Chair: Karla Miller)

09.30-09.50: Kim Nasmyth (Biochemistry) – Imaging cohesin on interphase and mitotic chromosomes

09.50-10.10: Brad Sutherland (NDM) – Imaging stroke evolution in animal models

10.10-10.30: Cameron Holloway (DPAG and CVM) – The role of cardiovascular magnetic resonance in patients with heart failure

10.30-10.45: Proffered Talk: Matthew Seymour (NDORMS) – Ultrasonographic measures of synovitis in rheumatoid arthritis early phase clinical trials

10.45-11.45: Poster Session 1: Odd numbered posters presented, and opportunity to network

11.45-12.45: Annual Oxford Agilent Lecture: Warren S. Warren, Department of Chemistry, Duke University: "Using nonlinear microscopy to enhance molecular imaging and cancer diagnosis", introduced by Boris Vojnovic (ROB)

12.45-13.45: Buffet Lunch

13.45-15.00: Platform Session 2: Modelling & Data Analysis (Chair: Mike Brady)

13.45-14.05: Roger Gunn (GSK, Visiting Professor) – Biomathematical modelling as an aid to molecular imaging probe discovery

14.05-14.25: Julia Schnabel (IBME) – Recent advances in respiratory motion correction for lung cancer imaging

14.25-14.45: Achilles Kapanidis (Physics) – Breaking the diffraction limit in crowded spaces

14.45-15:00: Proffered Talk: Adrian Groves (FMRIB) – Linked ICA: a new integrated approach for cross-modality MRI analysis

15.00-16.00: Poster Session 2: Even numbered posters presented, and opportunity to network

16.00-17.15: Platform Session 3: Novel Contrast Agents and Probes (Chair: Ian Dobbie)

16.00-16.20: Mark Howarth (Biochemistry) – Ultra-stable protein interactions and fluorescent nanoparticles for single molecule imaging

16.20-16.40: Jim Wild (Sheffield, Visiting Professor) – Hyperpolarized gas MRI

16.40-17.00: Damian Tyler (DPAG) – Clinical application of hyperpolarized 13C magnetic resonance imaging

17.00-17.15: Proffered Talk: Christian Bollensdorff (DPAG) – Concurrent optical mapping of multiple biological parameters using LED illumination and single camera detection

17:15: Close


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