2009 Imaging Festival
Garden Quad, St John's College, 16th September 2009
Peter Jezzard, Ilan Davis and Damian Tyler
Scientific Programme
09:00-09:30: Arrival, set up posters. N.B. Even number posters will be presented a.m. session and odd number posters presented in the afternoon session
09:30-09:45: Welcome and summary of activities of Oxford Biomedical Imaging Network
09:45-10:45: Annual Oxford Varian Lecture: Dr Ernst Stelzer, EMBL, Heidelberg, Title: "Three-Dimensional Imaging and Three-Dimensional Specimens: How three-dimensional cell-based assays are about to change our world". Introduced by Dr Ilan Davis
10:45-11:45: Poster Session 1 and Tea/Coffee
11:45-12:45: Platform Session 1: Emerging Technologies: Chaired by Prof. Alison Noble
Martin Booth (Dept of Engineering Science), "Adaptive Optics for Harmonic Generation Microscopy"
Ilan Davis (Dept of Biochemistry), "Tracking mRNA Movement Using Novel Microscopy and Image Analysis Methods"
Sofia Pascu (Dept of Chemistry): "Novel PET Agents"
12:45-13:45: Buffet Lunch
13:45-14:45: Platform Session 2: Imaging at Extreme Scales: Chaired by Dr Damian Tyler
John Ryan (Dept of Physics), "Atomic Force Microscopy: Real-Time Molecular Imaging"
Kay Grunwald (STRUBI) "Probing Macromolecules in their Native Environment by Cryo Electron Microscopy"
Chris Lintott (Dept of Astrophysics), "Imaging a Million Galaxies: The Galaxy Zoo Project"
14:45-15:45: Poster Session 2 and Tea/Coffee
15:45-16:45: Platform Session 3: Development: Chaired by Dr Peter Kohl
Shankar Srinivas (DPAG), "Imaging Mammalian Embryogenesis"
Mark Fricker (Dept of Plant Sciences), "Imaging and Modelling the Development of Fungal Networks"
Kate Watkins (Dept of Experimental Psychology): "Imaging Developmental Disorders of Speech and Language"
16:45-17:30: Platform Session 4: Future Horizons in Human Imaging: Chaired by Prof. Sir Mike Brady
Stuart Clare (FMRIB), "Prospects for Neuroimaging at 7 Tesla"
Robin Choudhury (Dept of Cardiovascular Medicine), "Combined MRI and X-Ray Angiography in Acute Vascular Diseases"
Gillies McKenna (Dept of Radiation Oncology and Biology), "The Oxford Cancer Imaging Centre"
17:30 Close