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A tribute to the founder of the University of Oxford's Department of Psychiatry.

Professor Michael Gelder

It is with great sadness that the Medical Sciences Division has learned of the death of Professor Michael Gelder FRCP FRCPsych FMedSci (1929-2018), an Emeritus Fellow of Merton College, former Subwarden and WA Handley Professor of Psychiatry, and co-author of the Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry.

Professor Gelder founded the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Oxford in 1969 and Phil Cowen and John Geddes saw him at home just a couple of weeks ago to record an interview on the founding of the Department. He was in good spirits and very clear and articulate.  

Professor Gelder’s funeral will be held in the Merton College Chapel at 2:30pm on Monday 23 April, with tea in Hall afterwards.

Read Professor Gelder's obituary (Department of Psychiatry website)