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On the 1 August 2022 the Department of Zoology and Department of Plant Sciences at the University of Oxford officially merge to become the new Department of Biology at the University of Oxford.

Front view of the Department of Biology's South Parks Road building © Caitlin Hamilton

This is a significant moment for the University, as two departments with histories of landmark academic breakthroughs and forward-thinking teaching combine to create a new department with interdisciplinary, collaborative opportunities.

The new Department of Biology aims to explore the breadth and diversity of life on earth at multiple scales. It builds on a history of high quality researchers, staff and students, and will continue to inform and shape the direction of international bioscience research and policy. 

It also provides holistic training in how to be a biologist of the future, and tackle universal challenges such as global pandemics, threats to biodiversity and feeding a growing population.

Read the full story on the Department of Biology website

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