Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences are absolutely delighted to receive the Gold Athena Swan Award for the first time.
Athena Swan is a national gender equality charter issued by the Advance HE, which recognises work to improve equality and diversity in universities and colleges. The University of Oxford was a founder member of the Athena Swan Charter and has held an institutional Athena Swan award since 2006. The University has recently been awarded its first silver award. Across Medical Sciences Division, 16 departments hold silver awards, and NDPCHS is the first department in the University to be granted the top gold award.
Professor Richard Hobbs, Head of Department, said: ‘I am really delighted we have gained this standard, and due recognition of the sustained work of many colleagues and over many years. This new Gold award recognises our long-term commitment to trying to support the careers of all who work here and challenges us to continue to embrace diversity in its widest sense in the future. While we can be extremely proud of this award, we are also reminded there is more work to be done. Alongside our core academic missions to improve health and advance science, we are committed to making NDPCHS a better place to work for all our staff and students, as can be seen in our Athena Swan action plan.’
The Award submission was overseen by the department’s Athena Swan Self-Assessment Team, Chaired by Professor Sue Ziebland. It was primarily prepared by the Writing Group: Sue Ziebland, with James Sheppard, Kathryn Ungerer.
Read the full story on the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences website