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Maddie Mitchell

Maddie Mitchell


Medical Sciences Divisional Office
University of Oxford
Level 3, John Radcliffe Hospital
Oxford OX3 9DU

Maddie Mitchell

Leadership Development Officer

I am responsible for the MSD Inclusive Leadership Programme (ILP) which caters to approximately 75 participants per year. Leadership Development is a strategic priority for the division, so I am working to bring the ILP to a broader audience that encompasses senior academics, Heads of Department, clinical academics, and senior professional services staff.

I have been piloting the programme for two years alongside MSD’s Associate Head of EDI Karla Miller and in 2024 we received ‘Highly Commended’ for both the ILP and Lab Handbook initiative in the VC Awards.

I work closely with the MSDO Research Culture Facilitators and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team to implement learning and best practice from both areas within the ILP. I will continue working to share the WIN Lab Handbook initiative across the Division as an example of good practice at the intersection of research culture and EDI.

From October 2024 I will be partially seconded to work on the central Wellcome Institutional Funding for Research Culture (IFRC) funded Leadership Development Programme, with a focus on facilitation and evaluation.