Contact information
Julian Knight
Director of the Graduate School and Director of Medical Sciences Doctoral Training Centre
I am responsible for providing academic leadership in the Division in all matters relating to Graduate Studies. This includes developing and implementing new policy and procedures, securing and awarding studentship funding, promoting equality diversity and inclusion, and providing oversight of the divisional skills training programme. Major developments in recent years include the development of a Graduate School funding competition, and the Graduate School website. I represent the Division at the University level on various bodies dealing with graduates. I also liaise with my counterparts in other Divisions, especially Mathematical Physical and Life Sciences Division, with whom we run joint DPhil programmes. Finally, I liaise with external funding agencies.
The Doctoral Training Centre provides a home for several cross-divisional DPhil programmes, which include core funding by the Wellcome Trust and British Heart Foundation. I provide oversight of all aspects of these programmes, including their funding and management, the performance of their students, and the provision of generic training.
I also provide leadership in genomic medicine teaching and implementation in the clinic, direct a research programme in the Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine and I am an Honorary Consultant at the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust.