Cairns Library
Bodleian Health Care Libraries
University of Oxford
John Radcliffe Hospital
Oxford OX3 9DU
Donald M Mackay
Head of MSD & MPLS Libraries
I’m responsible for development and provision of library services to the Medical Science Division and to the Oxford University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
My responsibilities cover provision of online content, outreach services and physical libraries. Bodleian Outreach and Subject Librarians work across their nominated departments to provide hand-on support for all aspects of Divisional activity.
Related links and resources
- Contact your Outreach Librarian
- Bodleian Libraries
- Directory of LibGuides
- Life Science and Medicine LibGuide
- iSkills Training Programme
- Open Access at Oxford
- Oxford Research Archive
- Research Data at Oxford
- SOLO Catalogue
- Science and Medicine Dispatch (library newsletter)
- Oxford University Hospital NHS Trust