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2013 Results


Dr Sue Burge (Medical School)

Dr Garry Brown (Department of Biochemistry)

Dr Peggy Frith (Medical School)

Professor Brian Rogers (Department of Experimental Psychology)

 Excellent Teacher 

Dr Proochista Ariana (Nuffield Department of Population Health) - for work spannning two academic Divisions: she designed and developed the Health & Development module for students of both the MSc in Global Health Science (Medical Sciences) and the MPhil in International Development (Social Sciences). Dr Ariana is widely regarded by students in both disciplines as a 'facilitator' of learning; she is an exemplary proponent of inter-disciplinary teaching.

Dr Paul Fairchild (Sir William Dunn School of Pathology) - in recognition of the clear, comprehensible lectures and insightful tutorials he has delivered  to undergraduates across Medicine, Biochemistry, and Biomedical Sciences, over the last ten years. This award also acknowledges Dr Fairchild's commitment to public outreach and science education in the local community and the wider public domain.

Dr Philip Fowler (Department of Biochemistry) - for revising the 'Non-covalent interactions and protein folding' lecture course in Biochemistry, consistently excellent student feedback, and exploring interactive learning using smart-phone technology.

Dr Lilian Hickey (Fulbrook Centre, Churchill Hospital) - for being an NHS Consultant and a dedicated teacher for students studying Psychiatry within the Clinical Medicine programme. She consistently receives excellent qualitative and quantitative student feedback, and is regarded as an exemplar of NHS consultant teaching. In the 2012-13 academic year alone, students have consistently nominated Dr Hickey for special mention.

Dr Laurence Leaver (Green Templeton College) - for his contributions to the continual development of the medical teaching programme at Green Templeton College. Of particular note is the introduction of a publication workshop: a matching scheme to help students interested in conducting small projects worthy of publication, to team up with senior mentors who can help them achieve this. Dr Leaver also ensures that learning opportunities are maximised, through the provision of mock clinical examinations, and mock interviews for academic foundation post applicants.  

Mr Hemant Pandit (Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences) - for the consistently excellent teaching he provides in the Orthopaedics, Rheumatology, Trauma & Emergency Medicine module of the Clinical Medicine programme (as evident in the numerous student nominations). Mr Pandit's enjoyment of teaching is reflected in the variety of roles he has undertaken both within the Medical School and in the postgraduate Deanery.

Dr Gaia Scerif (Department of Experimental Psychology) - in recognition of the significant number and variety of contributions she has made to teaching Psychology at both undergraduate and graduate levels. She consistently receives outstanding student feedback and her passion for the subject is self-evident: in particular, she provides students with stimulating background materials on WebLearn. Her willingness to help colleagues is also highly commendable and deserving of formal recognition.


Professor Jonathan Austyn (Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences) - for his enthusiastic and scholarly contributions to undergraduate teaching in Biochemistry, including the ‘Molecular & Cellular Immunology’ lecture series in Year 3, and an extremely popular fourth-year option in ‘Clinical & Applied Immunology’, for which he consistently receives excellent student feedback.

Dr Daniel Bulte (Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences) - for his ongoing contributions to the Biomedical Sciences course, including the continued development and delivery of a successful series of Physics lectures for first year students, providing an additional, elective practical class, and conducting regular ‘surgery slots’ for students to meet and discuss the more challenging material.

Dr Rufus Corkill (Neuroradiology, John Radcliffe Hospital) - for his contributions to the teaching, supervision and examination of students on the taught MSc course in Endovascular Neurosurgery. The patience, skill, commitment and enthusiasm he has invested as an NHS employee are exemplary.

Dr Stephen Goodwin (Department of Physiology, Anatomy & Genetics) - for his infectious enthusiasm for teaching and commitment to the Biomedical Sciences course, including the design and delivery of a new second-year option. Stephen’s teaching has been very well received by the students, which is highlighted by the fact that his option is more than twice as popular in the current academic year than in 2012-13.

Mr Rajesh Rout (Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences) - for his contributions to the Department’s teaching for students of clinical medicine. This includes orthopaedic tutorials and ‘donut rounds’, which consistently receive positive student feedback. He is commended as an enthusiastic, reliable and entertaining teacher.


Dr Kingsley Micklem (Clinical Laboratory Sciences, RDM) - for the sustained and excellent support he provides to students and teachers for the Laboratory Medicine course, within the Clinical Medicine programme. Dr Micklem identifies and implements significant improvements and innovations in relation to computer-based course materials and e-learning, whilst always displaying enthusiasm, diligence, attention to detail and good humour.

Mrs Emma Wiley (Department of Primary Care Health Sciences) - for her contributions to the development and successful implementation of the Year 5 Community Block OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) in the Clinical Medicine programme. In taking the administrative lead on this strategic initiative across six specialty subject areas, Mrs Wiley has demonstrated an outstanding and sustained level of organisation and leadership, as well as a significant investment of time and skill.


Professor Jon Austyn (Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences) - to conduct a feasibility study into widening access to postgraduate education in Integrated Immunology, particularly in developing countries, through on-line and distance learning. This project will be undertaken in collaboration with colleagues in the NHS and Continuing Education.

Dr Damion Young (MSD Learning Technologies) - to explore the use of mobile devices in Medical Sciences education. This endeavour will involve a variety of academic colleagues from scientific and clinical disciplines, to investigate the expansion of on-line assessment, audience response / polling in learning environments, and the facilitation of examining in clinical environments.