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Our Networks


AFOx logoThe Africa Oxford Initiative (AfOx) is a cross-university platform for academic and research collaborations between the University of Oxford and African researchers and institutions. The Initiative supports the work of universities and research institutions across Africa and facilitates the development of equitable and extensive collaborations between Oxford and African institutions.

Blood and Transplant Research Units

Blood group O Rh negative of packed red cell (PRC) bag for blood transfusionThe NIHR has awarded three new Blood and Transplant Research Units (BTRUs) to the University of Oxford. Together with our university partners and the NHS Blood and Transplant Service, these 5-year translational research programmes focus upon advanced cellular therapeutics, data driven transfusion practice, and transfusion and transplantation transmitted infections.


Oxford Cardiovascular Science logoThe British Heart Foundation is a key sponsor of cardiovascular research in Oxford and their two research centres support a network of researchers from across Oxford who are working at the forefront of cardiovascular science, with the overall goal of translating discoveries from the laboratory though to clinical practice.  The research centres offer scientists across the city fantastic opportunities for research & training, supporting the current and next generation of leaders in Cardiovascular Science. 

Oxford Cancer

ORDI logo.png

Oxford Cancer supports a city-wide community of researchers from the University and OUH who have a shared interest in cancer, bringing them together from across disciplines to address urgent and emerging cancer patient needs, and informed by the best basic science. By enabling and combining the best research and clinical resources, Oxford Cancer aims to innovate cancer treatment and care world-wide. Oxford-based staff can join the Oxford Cancer membership by signing up on their website


Cortex Club logoThe Cortex Club connects Oxford University researchers with world-leading neuroscientists through a unique educational forum dealing with cutting-edge topics and significant challenges in neuroscience. Free events range from small intense debates with up-and-coming scientists to large discussion sessions led by internationally prominent speakers, followed by the Q&As and networking sessions.


Early Career HealthTech network.jpgEarly Career Healthtech Network (ExCHaNge) is open to University of Oxford researchers for multidisciplinary backgrounds with broad social science, health services, engineering, policy and regulatory interests, in medical devices and diagnostics, medicine and digital health. The network holds research meetings, organizes social events and invites external speakers.

Oxford University Global Surgery Group

OUGSG logoThe Oxford University Global Surgery Group (OUGSG) is a group of clinicians and researchers working together to contribute to the provision of high quality surgical care globally, particularly in low and middle income countries (LMICs). Our aims are (1) to advocate for global equity in surgery, obstetrics and anaesthesia,  (2) to work with and support partners in LMICs who are engaged in clinical, educational and research activities in surgery, obstetrics and anaesthesia, and (3) to be a resource of advice and opportunities for those who wish to be involved in improving surgical, obstetric and anaesthetic services globally.

We are affiliated to the four MSD departments that have an interest in global surgery, namely: Nuffield Department of Surgery (NDS), Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences (NDORMS), Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences (NDCN) and Nuffield Department of Women's and Reproductive Health (NDWRH).

Oxford Global Health & Care Systems

OCHCS logoOxford Global Health & Care Systems is a cross-departmental initiative within the University of Oxford aimed at promoting multi- and inter-disciplinary research to strengthen health and care systems, particularly those of low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). OGHCS brings scholars from various disciplines together to highlight the important health systems research already being conducted across the University's schools and departments, as well as LMICs and other UK and international partners.


Immunology Network logo.pngThe Immunology Network supports the huge community of researchers across the University who have an interest in immunology, infection and inflammation. The Immunology Network aims to stimulate cross-disciplinary collaboration, encourage the sharing of resources and expertise, support and disseminate funding opportunities and promote the impact of your research- enabling the execution of world-class science. You can join the Immunology Network by sending an email to


Oxford Medical Statistics Network logoThe Oxford Medical Statistics Network (OXSTAT) is primarily aimed at medical statisticians working and studying across different research units within the Medical Sciences Division. The aim of the group is to facilitate networking, communication and collaboration, and to provide informal support and foster good practice. The network circulates a newsletter of upcoming statistical events in the local area and holds free events every term, such as talks and workshops from external speakers. Anyone within the division with an interest in medical statistics is welcome to join. To find out more information or to sign up to the mailing list, please email



Neuroscience logo.pngThis network links the neuroscience research performed in a number of departments and multidisciplinary centres/units across the Division. Departments include Experimental Psychology, Pharmacology, Physiology Anatomy and Genetics, Psychiatry and the Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences. Centres and units include the MRC Brain Network Dynamics Unit, the Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging, Human Brain Activity, Parkinson’s disease and the neuroscience themes of the NIHR funded Biomedical Research Centres at the John Radcliffe and Warneford Hospitals.

Oxford RARE DISEASe InitiativE

ORDI logo.pngThe Oxford Rare Disease Initiative (ORDI), chaired by Professor Dame Kay Davies, brings together expertise and capabilities in rare diseases from more than 250 scientists working on over 350 different rare diseases. This extensive rare disease network provides assistance in establishing collaborations between Oxford researchers, industry, patient organisations and funders.          

Oxford Postgraduate Teaching Network

Oxford Postgraduate Teaching Network logoPostgraduate taught programmes face unique challenges, requiring tailored approaches and solutions. A number of innovative approaches have been developed across the university and Oxford Postgraduate Teaching Network (OPTN) offers an opportunity to share that expertise and to develop new solutions. The OPTN brings together academic and learning support staff involved in postgraduate taught programmes to share good practice, and provide resources and support for course design, teaching, delivery and assessment methods. 

AMR Network

Blue plaque on the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology celebrating the first isolation and purification of Penicillin for the treatment of bacterial infection by Howard Florey, Ernest Chain and Norman Heatley and colleagues 1938-1941The Oxford AMR Network harnesses the University of Oxford’s expertise in humanities, life, medical, and social sciences to tackle the global health challenge of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). There are over 200 researchers across the University working to tackle AMR. Their expertise includes drug discovery for new antibiotics, health economics to analyse the costs and benefits of AMR prevention and treatment, and diagnostic tests to ensure appropriate antibiotic use.

Oxford Global Health

OGH and uni logoThe Oxford Global Health initiative brings together researchers from diverse disciplines across the University and showcases our ongoing range of impactful global health research. Our strengths and successes in global health research are exemplified by collaboration across multiple disciplines, equitable partnerships, and the passion and commitment of our researchers to apply their expertise for the benefit of others. Decades of global health research has resulted in established centres of excellence, with strategic research and capacity building at their core, that deliver the most significant research outcomes and facilitate their greatest impact. Join the Oxford Global Health network.