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Milan Muso presenting to the crowd at The OMH Researchers’ Association


The OMH Researchers’ Association is open to postdocs, DPhil students and research assistants working in any area related to metabolism. The association organises events where researchers can meet, share expertise and discuss opportunities for collaborations. It is run by a small committee with researchers from several departments who welcome any ideas for future events. 

We have held three events since the beginning of 2019. The launch event in February was an afternoon of lightning talks that attracted around 40 postdocs, students and RAs and was followed by refreshments. In May, we ran a successful Seahorse workshop on 'Measuring Metabolic Engines and Fuels' organised with Agilent Technologies. This was followed in October by a careers workshop, 'Getting on in academic and research-related careers', with excellent sessions about the range of career options available, how to boost your skills to be successful, and how resources available at the Careers Services can help you get to where you want to be. Our presenters were Rachel Bray (Careers Service), Zoe Lee (Research Services), Benoit Hastoy (Diabetes UK RD Lawrence Fellow) and Jeremy Tomlinson (MRC Board member), who shared their insight, knowledge and expertise.

In November 2020, Dr Giles Yeo from the Wellcome/MRC Institute of Metabolic Science gave an online talk on 'Is Obesity a Choice?' which attracted a large audience. His talk, which spanned humans, labradors, fruit flies and even the blind Mexican cave fish, was a fascinating guide through the role that genes play in determining our response to food.

Please contact Jane Itzhaki if you would like to know more about the association or have suggestions for future events.