Before Christmas 2017, Oxford Sparks ran a competition which offered research groups the chance to win an animation about their research. The competition was won by members of the Alzheimer’s Research UK Oxford Drug Discovery Institute – Dr Hazel Hall-Roberts, a neuroimmunology cell biologist, and Keely Jones, the research group administrator – who will receive a bespoke animation to illustrate and explain their research. Alzheimer’s Research UK Oxford Drug Discovery Institute is based within the Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine.
The animation will explain the complex elements of Alzheimer's research, and highlight the importance of developing new drugs to treat the disease. The researchers will collaborate with professional animators to produce this short video about their research, and receive a dedicated social media campaign to publicise it.
The other winner of the competition was Brooke Johnson, who is based in the Department of Earth Sciences in MPLS.
Oxford Sparks is a public-facing online project that aims to bring alive the University's science research for wider audiences. Through a diverse range of digital content and activities they showcase and explain research, and encourage the public to engage with scientific research. They have already developed several animations with Medical Sciences researchers, and you can see some examples on their website.
Find out more (MPLS news item)