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Responding to the growing mandate for researchers to share their clinical data, WWARN is joining with partners to host a 3-day workshop in January sponsored by the British Council’s Newton Researcher Links Programme in order to develop the skills and network needed to produce high quality data capable of maximising the impact of initial findings.
Information Technology
The main IT provider for departments and units in the Medical Sciences Division, including at the John Radcliffe, at the Old Road Campus and in Oxford city centre.
Interviews with previous winners
Previous award winners discuss their work and the impact of winning an award.
Imaging Festivals
The Oxford Biomedical Imaging Festival is a free event that is open to all Oxford University biomedical imaging scientists, and imaging scientists in our partner institutions.
Safety Risk Management Group
The Safety Risk Management Group (SRMG) is the newest committee in the Medical Sciences Governance Structure. Reporting directly to board, the inaugural meeting was held in July 2024. Gavin Screaton chairs in his role as Head of Division.
2022 Imaging Festival
The Oxford Biomedical Imaging Festival is a free event that is open to all Oxford University biomedical imaging scientists, and imaging scientists in our partner institutions.
Innovation Highlights - Infographic text description
This page contains the full text description of the Innovation Highlights 2023 infographic, produced by Oxford University Innovation.
Collaboration in Action: Hannah Jones
Hannah Jones is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Nuffield Department of Medicine. In this collaboration story, Hannah discusses how collaborating with industry partners has influenced her research on Parkinson's disease, opened doors to new career opportunities, and provided invaluable insights into the drug development process.
Collaboration in Action: Kim Midwood
Kim Midwood is a Professor of Matrix Biology in Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences (NDORMS). In her story, Kim shares her experience of different scales and types of collaboration, from small spinouts to large pharmaceutical companies. Kim also emphasises why she encourages anyone to start talking with industrial partners about possible collaborations sooner rather than later.
Collaboration in Action: Susannah Murphy
Susannah Murphy is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry. In her story, Susannah discusses the challenges of drug development in psychiatry and explains why industry collaborations are essential for finding new treatments for mental disorders.
Collaboration in Action: Carlo Rinaldi
Carlo Rinaldi is an Associate Professor in the Department of Paediatrics. In his story, Carlo shares his experience of collaborating with various industry partners, discussing the transformative impact on his research and own career development, and also reflecting on the evolving culture of academic-industry partnerships.
Collaboration in Action: Claire Shingler
Claire Shingler is the Business Manager at the BioEscalator. In her story, Claire tells us about her role managing Oxford’s biomedical science incubator, sharing her motivations and the rewarding experiences of supporting innovative spin-outs.
Collaboration in Action: Sridhar Vasudevan
Sridhar Vasudevan is Associate Professor in Pharmacology and Drug Discovery in the Department of Pharmacology. In his story, Sridhar shares his approach to building partnerships, explains how conferences serve as a fertile ground for initiating collaborations, and why it is so important for the career development of young researchers that they spend time at industry sites.
Collaboration in Action: Benedikt Kessler
Benedikt Kessler is Professor of Biochemistry and Mass Spectrometry in the Nuffield Department of Medicine. In this story, Benedikt tells us about his research and how collaborating with industry has been critical to advancing his research discipline and also enabled further collaborations with other industry partners.