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Neuroinflammation collaboration targeting inflammasome steps-up-the-pace in race for Alzheimer’s disease medicines that alleviate the burden of devastating disease
Jeffrey K Aronson
MA DPhil FRCP HonFBPhS HonFFPM Jeffrey K Aronson - Consultant Physician and Clinical Pharmacologist
Clare Bankhead
- All MRC Supervisors
- MRC Supervisors - Cancer
- MRC Supervisors - Population Health, Genomics & Genes
- Supervisor
DPhil; MSc; BSc Clare Bankhead - Professor of Epidemiology and Research Design
Carl Heneghan
BM, BCH, MA, MRCGP, DPhil Carl Heneghan - Professor of Evidence-Based Medicine
Richard Hobbs
CBE, FMedSci, FRCGP, FRCP (London), FESC, FRCP (Edin), MA (Ox) Richard Hobbs - Mercian Professor of Primary Care
Susan Jebb
Susan Jebb - Professor of Diet and Population Health
Kamal R. Mahtani
BSc PhD MBBS PGDip FRCGP Kamal R. Mahtani - GP & Professor of Evidence Based Healthcare
Emily McFadden
MA (Cantab), MSc, PhD (Cantab) Emily McFadden - Departmental Lecturer and Senior Statistical Epidemiologist
Rafael Perera
- All MRC Supervisors
- MRC Supervisors - Cancer
- MRC Supervisors - Population Health, Genomics & Genes
- Supervisor
DPhil MSc MA Rafael Perera - Director Medical Statistics and Director of Graduate Studies
Sue Ziebland
- All MRC Supervisors
- MRC Supervisors - Neuroscience (incorporating Psychology & Psychiatry)
- MRC Supervisors - Population Health, Genomics & Genes
- Supervisor
Sue Ziebland - Professor of Medical Sociology and Co-Director of MS&HERG
Naomi Allen
- All MRC Supervisors
- MRC Supervisors - Cancer
- MRC Supervisors - Population Health, Genomics & Genes
- Supervisor
BSc, MSc, DPhil Naomi Allen - Professor in Epidemiology
Jane Armitage
FRCP, FFPH, OBE Jane Armitage - Professor of Clinical Trials and Epidemiology, and Honorary Consultant in Public Health Medicine
Louise Bowman
BA, MBBS, MD, FRCP Louise Bowman - Professor of Medicine and Clinical Trials, and Honorary Consultant Physician (Lipidology)
Sarah Darby
- All MRC Supervisors
- MRC Supervisors - Cancer
- MRC Supervisors - Population Health, Genomics & Genes
- Supervisor
FMedSci FRS Sarah Darby - Professor of Medical Statistics
Jonathan Emberson
BA, MSc, PhD Jonathan Emberson - Professor of Medical Statistics and Epidemiology
Sarah Floud
- All MRC Supervisors
- MRC Supervisors - Cancer
- MRC Supervisors - Population Health, Genomics & Genes
- Supervisor
BSc MSc PhD Sarah Floud - Associate Professor
Paul McGale
Paul McGale - Medical Statistician
Iona Millwood
DPhil Iona Millwood - Associate Professor; Deputy Director of Graduate Studies
Michael Parker
B.Ed (Hons), MA, PhD Michael Parker - Ethox Centre Director and Professor of Bioethics
Maria Quigley
BA, MSc Maria Quigley - Professor of Statistical Epidemiology