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Advice from MSD IT Services on videoconferencing options

As you might expect, we have had many enquiries about video conferencing over the last few weeks including requests to use Zoom.  Our advice is that Microsoft Teams should be your default choice as it is tightly integrated with Nexus365 and means that your information security and data privacy obligations are not put at risk.  

Teams can do more than many think it can, and is developing fast. However we recognise that Zoom has advantages in certain situations, particularly for teaching and interactive seminars of between 20 and 50.  Teams is good for large (>100) meetings. 

MSD IT has negotiated and purchased a Zoom account under favourable and secure University terms and can issue managed licences (only required for hosting meetings) temporarily or permanently.  Permanent allocations will be cost-recovered at £100/person/year, so if you think you need to use Zoom, or are already doing so on a personal licence, please contact MSD IT to discuss how best to proceed.

Contact: or 01865 (2)80030.