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Early Career Healthtech Network (ExCHaNge) is open to University of Oxford researchers for multidisciplinary backgrounds with broad social science, health services, engineering, (bio)ethics, policy and regulatory interests, in medical devices and diagnostics, medicine and digital health.

Black female leading a discussion and standing up

Medical innovations are crucial for meeting the long-term needs of patients, healthcare systems and sectors of the economy such as the life sciences. However, the development, implementation, adoption and spread of innovative technologies and medicines is complex - spanning multiple sectors, organizations, and professions – and thus prone to bottlenecks and failure. This makes medical innovation a challenge for all stakeholders involved, including the public, patients, firms, investors, researchers, practitioners, regulators, and policymakers.

The Early Career Healthtech Network (ExCHaNge) is open to University of Oxford researchers from multi-disciplinary backgrounds with broad social science, health services, engineering, (bio)ethics, policy and regulatory interests in medical devices and diagnostics, medicines, and digital health.

We hold research meetings twice per term in the Radcliffe Observatory Quarter in the centre of Oxford, as well as organizing social events and inviting external speakers


For further details about joining the network, or any other questions you are very welcome to contact the ExCHaNge founders:

Alexander Rushforth.jpg

 Alexander Rushforth 




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Michelle Van Velthoven


Network Aims

  • To provide a platform for support and shared learning among early career researchers with an interest in medical innovation across the University of Oxford;
  • To offer a mechanism for exchanging feedback on early and later stage research and funding proposals
  • To give opportunities for networking with fellow researchers in Oxford.